quinta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2017

1 a.m. rhymes

I know how it is to tell a lie
while you look people in the eye.
I've been there
and cannot count the times I've done that.
These windows have shown me such love
when push came to shove...
It might be just your way to keep
sight of what is there, really deep
when poured out from them closed
as though many times you told
that again and again to yourself.
Your way of presenting your world,
your darkest truth,
your longest route,
so worry not, I do believe every word
as you talk,
I know all of you comes from the heart.


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O excesso de medo não nos faz mais sábios.  Ele nos afasta daquilo que é para ser nosso e que, no fundo, sabemos que queremos