sexta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2020

Dark side of the moon

I don't mean to pressure
but you like how I'm open,
so let me just say

that yours is the grace
of falling on all fours
only if you bother
to face
what comes out of your pores,
as clear as water
for anyone to see

for otherwise 
you play
as if you are wild 
but instead, remain a child,
just a kitten
in disguise

and if it's real,
as in nature
all beasts know how they feel
and there's no fire
that can't burn a liar

if not to his muse,
to himself
not to delve
in what he says in the wee hours
but uses the comfort of any excuse
and one-sided broken heart
in its distance

and small fun
of working too hard
in being fair and direct
only to run
from the true aspect
of the mere chance
of anything
to happen

unless it's just some words 
you say to me
like you may have had to other girls
since it's easy,
because only then,
may be this the moment you can say you heard
even before it gets to hurt
and make me queasy
that you have lost my respect,
you are not honest

claiming so very confused
with something as obviously simple
as infection causes a pimple
for I don't mean to sound like a cunt,
just wish you an act coherent
with what you want
and what you give
and all else I can forgive,
and grant as present
even what you may not expect
from my land that is golden
and sacred terrain,

even its pleasure.
what if I was already in love?
you don't know who you are dealing with,
my good friend...


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Fibromialgia II

Dói O quanto eu quero amar. Como dói o quanto eu quero viver! Muito me dói todo o amor que não dei... e me corrói cada palavra que não disse...