I am a woman, raw,
teeth sharp like a saw,
but also just a scared child
even when the pain is mild.
sire of every tree
and of this love in me,
my dear lord,
open up my heart...
open my eyes
to what ahead lies
and grant me the serenity
to understand what I see.
as small as it seems,
as big as it feels,
a soul knows what it wants,
it wants relief!
a space to breathe
and look over the hills
and work as hard as bees and ants
that may not have all the answers
to what shall remain sore
but certainly know the means
to perform the right chore
to build a world from the core.
let me not give up on it all
and even if I fall,
may it be on your lap,
just for a bit, a sweet, refreshing nap...
Letícia Bolzon Silva; graduada em Relações Internacionais pelo Centro Universitário UNINTER e Especialista em Tradução de Inglês pela Universidade Estácio de Sá. Escritora de prosa e poesia, redatora e tradutora freelancer.
sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2020
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