terça-feira, 12 de maio de 2020

Stories by the bonfire or Love language

Even when you disappear
to rest
you remain here
in the things I digest
and try to still do...

When people might think I forgot
I cared about them a lot
and when times are so cold and dark
it seems hard to flick a spark...

Amidst the smell of ash and arson
and even a little bit of peace,
you stay,
you never really walk away.

You come rather in person,
in ways I never thought of,
but with the same ease
and a song, a poem that you love...

Because it turns out I love like you -
even if it sounds naive,
small or hard to believe,
we do our best
with what we can give.

So yes, I want to know and hear
time and time again
both the screaming of fear
and the good heart in a man.


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Fibromialgia II

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