sábado, 30 de maio de 2020

Better than the first

Is He really who I think
He is?
Who am I to dare name
a thing that is never tame?
My only say is
that just like one can't explain bliss,
I feel so loved right here, like this...

A bird that feels stronger,
under the noblest liege...
It knows gentle finger,
not a cage.

Did I know the other
any better
than I know Him?
No is probably the answer,
but this love is much easier...
And requited, it would seem.

Like the full clouds in the sky
words and tears easily spill
as in between whispers I cry
over things always felt, but never quite said,
much less years ago -
yet in here, they are the golden-crusted bread
intended to feed and heal.

I guess that power is my belief
and this is the one I always so admired,
this is the one I think of
with affection and love
in the most banal
and even carnal,
for He is caring friend,
patient teacher
and warm lover
till the word of the end -
He is vast, he is master
that has won my trust
although I can walk away if I think I must.


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Fibromialgia II

Dói O quanto eu quero amar. Como dói o quanto eu quero viver! Muito me dói todo o amor que não dei... e me corrói cada palavra que não disse...