sábado, 5 de outubro de 2019

Of loving you

With all the funny faces it causes,
we have the affection
and attention
of loyal spouses,
ever loyal to you.
That, I know as true.

We scream that we love you
and that you could hold us
for anyone to hear,
because we do
and shall keep doing thus...
We feel you so near,
right at the heart's ear
and blush when you smile,
even if you are far by thousands of a mile.

We write our wholes as love letter
in poetry and prose,
and we bet we aren't to find work better
from us, than those,
dearest muse!
Perhaps even trying so we refuse.

At you and your beloved presence
we marvel
while loving your dear ones
perhaps just as much,
at yours and their disposal
with tender aquiescence
to souls as bright as the sun
and such.

For all we know
we try to repay you then and now
for your attentiveness
with the food of sweetness,
of verse and name
and, who knows, whatever keeps the cold tame...
What great little nothings
move you in word, color and sound
and, in a strange will of things
move us too, as we have found.

And we, feeling this close, notice
what might have dropped the bars,
crossed oceans and stars
if you care to believe it or not
and passed like teacher to apprentice
from hand to hand, face to face.
A little bit of your grace
linking us by a red knot?
Perhaps even the cards
know the secrets of certain bards.
Who knows? That alone is a beautiful thought.

And only we know that no matter what we say,
we hope to be here with you along the way -
whether just terrain
or a thing from above
we hope for you and this to remain,
we hope for this love
to survive the test of time
and the darkest clime.


2 comentários:

  1. A quem do peito a ânsia guia a distância não distancia.

    1. Nada desata nó que foi bem feito,
      muito menos os nós do peito.

      - LBS


Obrigada pelo feedback!

Fibromialgia II

Dói O quanto eu quero amar. Como dói o quanto eu quero viver! Muito me dói todo o amor que não dei... e me corrói cada palavra que não disse...