sábado, 10 de março de 2018

Letter to Naboo

I ran into the dark
for you are my light,
name taken in mad lark
to save you in all might.

My own blood the one in which I bathe
and there is no coming back.
Had I known I'd still be a slave
your hands wouldn't touch this lovely neck.

Forgive me, love mine, my majesty,
it was I that let you down,
but they are also the ones to blame.

Had they told me anger is not a shame,
we could have stopped all this tragedy
and we'd be more than we are now...


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Fibromialgia II

Dói O quanto eu quero amar. Como dói o quanto eu quero viver! Muito me dói todo o amor que não dei... e me corrói cada palavra que não disse...