sábado, 20 de março de 2021

Of the sublime

Your voice to me
is more than sound -
it is a sea,
it is among the things, the forces that abound
in how they rise and rise
and come,
so wise
only to forevermore,
however briefly,
touch the shore.

Only to go back
in their track,
in and out, on and on,
a wall that knows
the ways it grows
from the bottom, paramount,
Topkapi outside of Istambul,
only to suddenly be undone
into a touch so humble
as you speak...

Never detrimentally weak.
Instead, just conducted by a hand so warm
that can cause and stop the same storm.
One of which I wonder if I would feel afraid
but through which
I take the pleasure in being a wee fish
just here, to navigate.


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Fibromialgia II

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