lord of every tree,
song of the birds and the wind,
humblest majesty!
help keep my fire burning bright
to clear my path,
this is my survival, this is my life!
i say these words out loud
even if i dont need to,
so i can savour you and their sound!
you who spill love from this mouth
like a man does,
you who always know whom the words are about!
rest your holy hands upon me,
those which may be full of the soil,
yet cleaner than mine will ever be!
stroke me with your gentle fingers,
for i, a mere mortal, crave affection,
even not belonging to the beggars!
speak to me in your ancient tongue -
if i am worthy to understand your ways,
make me wiser for right and wrong!
you, purity and color of young spring,
strength and life in every summer,
wise cold winter, ever beginning!
be animal, leaf, man and lad,
the rain, the sun, the elder,
may i love you, however you are clad!
Letícia Bolzon Silva; graduada em Relações Internacionais pelo Centro Universitário UNINTER e Especialista em Tradução de Inglês pela Universidade Estácio de Sá. Escritora de prosa e poesia, redatora e tradutora freelancer.
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