domingo, 9 de fevereiro de 2025

Deep fear I

Perhaps I am indeed afraid
of what love can make of me -
how wide and bare I am laid
if only for one eye to see.
Just a little girl scared of mommy
and of what the rest of you might say
if I don't behave and tell them I'm sorry
for just being myself for a day.
Afraid of becoming the woman
I deep down know that I am -
who goes out and feels good with a man
who loves her hair colour and whispers her true name.
She learned on her own of a law
she wishes not having to break
since apparently her real fatal flaw
is mistaking what is at stake. 


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O amor que levas em teu regaço ilumina meus dias de sombra - tua luz preenche todo o espaço onde não parece haver outra.   Não congênito e, ...